Dhuandhar Water Fall, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - Vushii.com
26 January 1950
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Dhuandhar Waterfall is a popular natural attraction located in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. The name "Dhuandhar" translates to "smoke cascade" or "smoking waterfall" in English, and it aptly describes the appearance of the waterfall. The Narmada River, which is one of the major rivers of central India, flows through a narrow gorge and plunges down with great force, creating a breathtaking mist and smoke-like effect. The waterfall is known for its cascading waters and the roar of the Narmada River as it tumbles over the rocks.

Visitors can enjoy the view of Dhuandhar Waterfall from various vantage points, including viewpoints near the falls and boat rides on the Narmada River. The surrounding area is also known for its marble rocks, which add to the scenic beauty of the place. Dhuandhar Waterfall is not only a popular tourist destination but also holds cultural and spiritual significance, as it is located near the Bhedaghat Marble Rocks and the Chausath Yogini Temple.

Jabalpur, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, is known for its natural beauty and historical landmarks, and Dhuandhar Waterfall is one of the must-visit attractions for anyone exploring the region.

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Dhuandhar Water Fall is located in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.

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