Potagarh Fort, Ganjam, Odisha - Vushii.com
26 January 1950
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Potagarh Fort, also known as Puri Ganj Fort, is a historic fort located in Ganjam, Odisha. Built by the Gajapati rulers in the 15th century, the fort served as a strategic military base and an important trading center during its heyday. It is situated at the confluence of the Rusikulya River and the Bay of Bengal, providing easy access to the sea and making it an ideal hub for maritime activities.

The fort's architecture showcases a fusion of indigenous and European influences. The massive walls made of laterite stone are reminiscent of the traditional Kalinga style of construction. The entrance is flanked by intricately carved pillars, exuding an aura of elegance and artistry. Inside the fort, visitors can explore the remnants of historic structures, including the Pateri Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Despite its historical importance and cultural heritage, Potagarh remains relatively unknown to many travelers. However, efforts are being made to promote this hidden gem as a tourist destination by the Odisha Tourism Development Corporation.

The tranquil ambiance and awe-inspiring architecture make it an ideal spot for history enthusiasts, photography enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike.

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Potagarh Fort is located in Ganjam, Odisha.

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